Tennis anyone?

22/07/24Tennis anyone?

Believe it or not Summer is here! And 2024 is a Summer of sport with the Olympics just around the corner, the Euros just finishing and of course, Wimbledon. Even if Wimbledon isn't your cup of tea, it can often inspire people to pick up a racket and try tennis for themselves. Tennis is a fantastic way to stay active and enjoy the summer, but it can also pose a risk to your spine and joints if you’re not careful.

When trying any new sport - or taking it back up after a break - it is vital that you take a few precautions to avoid injuries. That is why we have put together our top tips to staying active when trying tennis (or any other sport) this summer.

#1 Warm up & Cool Down

As with any physical activity, it is vital that you spend at least 10 minutes warming up your muscles. We recommend stretch followed by light jogging. Just remember that not to push yourself beyond your capabilities as this could cause injury and if your ever in doubt, you can ask your practitioner for advise and what stretches are best for you personally.

Its is just as important to cool down after any activity and this is most commonly the bit many people forget. Static stretches will not only help your muscles to relax again, but it can also help prevent or reduce stiffness.

#2 Drink Plenty of Water

It is really easy to get carried away, especially when the sun is shining and you are having fun, and forget to drink some water. However, dehydration increases your chances of injury, causes headaches and can affect muscle function.

#3 Equipment

Ensure you are using the correct equipment for you. You wouldn't start running in a size 4 high heel if you normally wear size 12 shoes! It is important for sports like tennis that you use equipment suitable for you. For example, racket size, cushioned and supportive trainers. You do not need to spend hundreds of pounds on equipment, you just need to ensure you are choosing the right equipment in the first place.

#4 Have Fun

Taking up a new sport can be frustrating. Just remember that it is also meant to be fun. Set your expectations from the start - getting stressed or angry at not hitting a perfect back hand on the first day is counterproductive. The aim should be about getting more active and enjoying it. This should ultimately reduce your stress overall.

We're here to help!

Don't forget that the team are here to help. You can ask your practitioner for help and advise at your next appointment. They can ensure you approach any new sport and activity in the right way.

Additionally, the team can support you in your journey. We have an experienced team of Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Massage Therapist and more, who can help with treatment before and after activities. Speak to one of the team or your practitioner for more information.

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